Have I left off fish? Let me know in the comments below and I’ll add them!
Fish with skin that goes crispy
This is a list of fish with skin that will go crispy when cooked on the stove, covering the most common fish in the largest readership countries. See How To Cook Fish with Crispy Skin for directions!
Fish with skin that will NOT go crispy
This is a list of fish with skin that will NOT go crispy when pan seared. This can be because the skin isn’t suitable for crisping (eg. too thin or wrong composition), is not a pleasant texture for eating when pan-seared, or it’s simply too difficult to achieve (eg. the fillets are so thin they cook too fast to crisp the skin).
BarramundiBreamBlue eye cod / trevallaJewfishOcean troutRiver troutSalmon – see Crispy Skin Salmon recipeSnapper
CodSalmon – see Crispy Skin Salmon recipeSea bassTilapia
Note: A number of these fish are sold without skin by fish mongers which is one helpful clue!
Love fish as much as I do? Here you go!
Life of Dozer
He’s as much of a fan of homemade beer battered fish as I am….